Masman Media



Video is one of the most versatile and profitable digital marketing tools at your disposal. Video is no longer just one piece of your overall marketing plan. It’s crucial to your outreach and campaign efforts. If you are running a business, it’s extremely important to make the shift towards having a video marketing strategy. Why? Here are a few reasons:

  • Increase Engagement
    Videos are key to greater engagement, especially when they are so shareable on social media. Food, beautiful landscapes, technology, and testimonials are shared every minute on social media!
  • Add Personality to Your Brand
    Videos are perfect for branding and increasing awareness by 52%. They say a picture may be worth a thousand words, but a short video can say millions for your brand.
  • Showcase Your Products Better
    Why show off your products in a flat image when you can display it in a 3D realm, where customers can actually see how to use it? Videos are useful especially for your business to change how customers interact with the product.


Whether running a small local shop or a national company, social media is an essential piece of your marketing strategy. It helps connect you with customers, increase awareness, and boost your leads and sales.

However, having a social media presence without an appropriate strategy can be just as damaging for your business as no plan at all. We have created a social media marketing strategy checklist that should aid your online marketing operations.


Living in the digital world, a website is now a necessity for a business, big or small. A website itself can be used to accomplish many different marketing strategies to help your business grow.

Your website is often your first impression you give potential customers. If they found you through a search or through a link a friend gave them, your website will be your first point of contact with them. Before they even see your store or talk to your staff, they will see your website. You want that first impression to be a good one.


Our social media team helps businesses create content and develop social media strategies. From creating a business page, to developing a style guide, to building a following and creating paid ad campaigns, our team does it all.

Start big and work down. What’s your main objective?


  • Set Goals
    Start big and work down. What’s your main objective?
  • Media
    Decide how you will connect with your audience. Will this take the form of a blog, video, podcast?
  • Which platform is the best?
    Focus on a social network that adds value. Just because a network has over a hundred million active users doesn’t mean it will directly contribute to your brand’s objectives.
  • Target Audience
    Figure out who exactly you’re looking to attract.
  • Run Campaign
    Time to put all of the research and created content to play.
  • Testing
    Engage with your audience, find out what works and what doesn’t. You need to constantly analyze your social media strategy to understand how effective it is.